A landlord on one of the prestigious suburbs in Accra has dealt a huge blow to one of his tenants, causing him to lose a huge investment.
The tenant rented the house with the intention of living in there but changed his decision and decided to use the building for commercial purposes.
Without the consent of the landlord, the tenant converted the building into a nightclub, bar and lounge.
He proceeded to also rent out some rooms in the building as private suites.
Following the modifications of the house, the tenant proceeded to run extensive advertisements on social media, drawing immense attention to the home now turned nightclub, bar and lounge.
The landlord who saw this became utterly surprised and angry as his home had been turned into a nightclub, bar and lounge without his consent.
He proceeded to file an injunction against the tenant, preventing him from using the house for such purposes.
The tenant refused to appear before court after the injunction was filed. Following the tenant’s refusal to appear before the courts, the police intervened and locked up the house preventing access to all parties.
This legal battle has got social media users talking, with many sharing varied opinions about the matter.
Read some comments below:
@Dawson_Blaud – Wow the place nice oo. But why do such thing without the landlord’s consent? Some people dey pri oo. Well, I would advice the landlord to enter into an agreement with the man to have his fair share.
@gyyimah – Beside Jonah who tried scamming God, I think it’s best to say this guy comes next.
@EugeneW16779960 – The landlord waited for the Tenant to renovate the whole house and compound only to come in with a suit right after. You can’t tell me he wasn’t aware of this right from the time they brought in workers to come renovate. He may have played a smart one on the tenant.
@Richard52078166 – But he kept the place neat. The landlord should just revise the tenancy agreement.
@OpokuSikani – So the landlord what be in problem,
@Ntekuma – Landlord make lucky sef. At least he gave u free business whilst paying his rent.
@just_tasker – But on a serious note, how do you convert someone’s property into a nightclub without permission and think it won’t end in court? Some risks are just not worth it.
@itsLamb3rt – If this is true, this is a serious violation! Turning a residential rental into a commercial business without approval is all sorts of wrong. It’s likely illegal, even. Zoning laws, lease agreements, and property rights exist for a reason.
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A Ghanaian man rented a house in Accra and without the landlord’s consent, converted it into a nightclub, bar and lounge. He also rented out some of the rooms as private suites and ran extensive advertisements on social media.
The police intervened and raided the property after… pic.twitter.com/4BMRL9niPf
— EDHUB🌍ℹ (@eddie_wrt) March 17, 2025