Prophet Johnson Adu-Boahen of the Christ Revival Baptist Church based in Lapaz, a suburb of Accra has bashed employers who refuse to pay salaries of their staff on time, describing them as wicked.
He also called out employers who pay their staff less than Ghc1,000.00 at the end of the month.
According to him, such wicked people deserved to be robbed by their staff, as their actions are not justified.
“Someone who is very wicked is someone who has employed another person and at the end of the month refuses to pay them on time. And even if they pay them, they pay them less than Ghc1000 monthly. Such a person is very wicked and deserves to be stolen from,” he told his congregation.
Issuing a disclaimer, he warned his congregation against robbing their bosses should they find themselves in such a situation, “I want you to know that if someone robs their boss and they take the person to court or the police station, the police office must sit and think about it, the judge must think about it and say the employer deserves to be stolen from.”
Prophet Johnson Adu-Boahen argues such misfortunes are punishments to employers for causing their employees to go hungry, and forcing their children to stay home as there is no money to pay for their fees.
Social media have been divided over the comments of Prophet Johnson Adu-Boahen. While some have backed him a 100 percent, others have challenged his advise.
Read some comments below:
@Lechiboroni – “Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.” – Romans 13:17
@WholenessAyi – He should open a business first
@Inkredible_B – Stealing is inherently Ghanaian, some Ghanaian parents literally teaches their children to taken what is theirs cos “ it’s God who has given it to them” so seeing a preacher man admonishing his church members & the public to steal from their employers,it’s not a surprise.
@xalphonse810 – If you are not matured in the mind, you will not understand what he is saying. Light headed people will find it difficult to understand even with the explanations that he has given. This man is not a joke with this I can say he sees beyond the physical.
Watch video:
“Any employer who pays their workers less than GHS 1,000 a month or does not pay on time is wicked and deserves to be stolen from.” – Prophet Johnson Adu-Boahen, Christ Revival Baptist Church, Lapaz-Accra
— EDHUB🌍ℹ (@eddie_wrt) March 10, 2025