Acting Spokesperson to the President, Felix Ofosu Kwakye, have explained what led to Gender Minister-designate Agnes Naa Momo Lartey being late for her swearing-in on Friday, January 24, 2025.
According to him, the MP had a family emergency which she had to attend to, and also revealed that logistical challenges which resulted from the Jubilee House also contributed to the unfortunate situation.
“What happened was that this morning, President Mahama is scheduled to travel to Angola, Tanzania and Kenya for some very important government-related business and yesterday, he had a heavy schedule. We had to go to go to Ho and come back. He was even scheduled to be at the SWAG Awards event, so last minute he had to rope in the Vice President to stand in for him,” the spokesperson noted.
He explained that initially the swearing-in ceremony was meant for six appointees but some parliamentary deliberations led to some last-minute adjustments.
Ofosu Kwakye indicated that efforts were made to contact six approved nominees for the vetting but only five were available to be at the Jubilee House within minutes.
Agnes Naa Momo Lartey was outside of Accra at the time of the call because of a family emergency, resulting in her lateness.
“So, we did two alternative speeches, one that anticipated their presence, and one that anticipated her absence. So, immediately we had to switch because we were prepared for that scenario. Where she was, there was no way, given all the traffic, that she could get there in time. But we were pushing to see that if she is able to make it fine, if not, it’s not a big deal and next week, when President Mahama does it [she will be sworn in].”
Felix Ofosu Kwakye assured that Agnes Naa Momo Lartey will be sworn in next week upon President Mahama’s return from his international travels.
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