Felix Kwakye Ofosu, the spokesperson for President John Dramani Mahama is not confident about the President appointing Deputy Regional Ministers.
“I doubt we’ll have Deputy Regional ministers,” he said on TV3 emphasizing the President’s commitment to running a lean, efficient government of 60 ministers.
President Mahama is on record to have said some ministers will be without deputies, but he never disclosed which of them will not have deputies.
Kwakye Ofosu further indicated that Ghanaians have bought into the vision of President John Dramani Mahama to run a lean government, hence the president will not backtrack on his promise.
“Ghanaians have accepted that we will have the leanest and most efficient government,” he said on the Key Points on TV3 on Saturday, January 25.
“These are some of the ways the president can save money and get the job done and by and large Ghanaians have accepted this, he added.
President John Mahama during his campaign to be President promised to govern Ghana with 60 ministers only.
So far, he has appointed 42 ministers, with 18 more portfolios to be filled.