A renowned broadcaster, Austin Woode, has expressed his support for former Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) CEO, Kojo Bonsu, as the ideal candidate for the position of Minister of Tourism, Culture, and Creative Arts.
In a detailed analysis on JoyNews , Woode shared his extensive research, considering inputs from political figures Jesse and Francis, as well as consulting with businesspeople. His conclusion? Kojo Bonsu stands out as the best-suited individual for the role.
He praised Bonsu’s track record, highlighting his impactful work in Kumasi, particularly his efforts to rebrand the city during his tenure as KMA CEO.
He cited the transformation of the area opposite the Golden Tulip Hotel into the well-known Rat Park as a prime example of Bonsu’s vision for tourism and urban development.
Additionally, Woode emphasized that Bonsu’s business acumen would be invaluable in driving forward the tourism and creative arts sectors, provided he receives the necessary support in the creative arts area.
His comprehensive approach to tourism branding and city rebranding makes him well-positioned to excel as Minister of Tourism, Culture, and Creative Arts, according to Woode.
Meanwhile, President John Dramani Mahama has yet to announce the remaining ministers in his cabinet.
So far, the nominees for Minister of Energy, Minister of Finance, and Attorney General have been revealed, and they are now awaiting vetting.
Kojo Bonsu, former KMA CEO is best positioned for the role of Minister of Tourism, Culture and Creative Arts.
– Austin Woode, Broadcaster. #ShowbizAtoZ pic.twitter.com/VWpmHEIbGi
— Joy 99.7 FM (@Joy997FM) January 11, 2025