Police in Koforidua have launched an investigation into the tragic death of nine-year-old Yaa Serwaa, a pupil of Trinity Presbyterian Basic School, who drowned in the swimming pool at Tonyx Hotel on Sunday.
The heartbreaking incident has left a family mourning and the local community in shock.
Yaa Serwaa had accompanied her father and five siblings to the hotel for a family outing. While other children swam, she sat by the poolside taking pictures.
In an unfortunate turn of events, Yaa Serwaa was later found drowning, unnoticed by her siblings and other swimmers.
Her father, searching frantically, was eventually alerted to her presence in the pool.
Despite being rushed to the Eastern Regional Hospital, she was pronounced dead on arrival.
The tragedy has sparked concerns about the safety measures and level of lifeguard supervision at the hotel’s pool.
Yaa Serwaa had recently celebrated her ninth birthday on December 1, 2024, adding to the sorrow of her untimely death.
Police in Koforidua have launched an investigation into the tragic death of a nine-year-old pupil of Trinity Presbyterian Basic School, Yaa Serwaa, who has drowned in a swimming pool at Tonyx Hotel…#GHOneNews #EIBNetwork#GHOneTV #NewsAlert pic.twitter.com/6CneXqo7z8
— Serwaa Amihere (@Serwaa_Amihere) January 2, 2025