Richard Asare, a Junior High School (JHS) 3 student and orphan from Tutu Akuapem, has shared the heartbreaking circumstances that led to his imprisonment for stealing a goat.
Richard, who lost his father at the age of 11 and his mother earlier this year, recounted his struggles during an emotional interview with Ibrahim Oppong Kwarteng, Executive Director of Crime Check Foundation (CCF).
He revealed that he resorted to theft out of desperation, intending to sell the sheep to buy a school bag, shoes, and other essentials for his education.
According to Richard, his actions were also influenced by his girlfriend, whose pressure added to his already overwhelming burden of trying to survive without parental support.
“I stole the sheep to take care of myself and also to meet her demands,” he confessed.
the Crime Check Foundation has also launched a groundbreaking initiative to address the mental health needs of prisoners across Ghana.
The project, which is expected to be completed by December 31, 2024, includes psychosocial support, arts therapy, a documentary, and media campaigns aimed at drawing attention to the plight of inmates.
Women are not good people
— SIKAOFFICIAL🦍 (@SIKAOFFICIAL1) December 30, 2024