Director The Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) Professor Ahmed Jinopor has called on the university Teachers Association of Ghana UTAG to call off their strike.
UTAG has since October 10 2024 been on an indefinite strike in protest against illegal mining and Prospect activities in forest reserves farm lands and water bodies.
This strike raises concerns about potential disruption to the academic calendar. In a press release on Thursday October 17 UTAG call Ed on the government to immediately prosecute individuals arrested for illegal mining activities.
The association emphasized the need for swift and decisive action to deter further illegal mining. Among its demands UTAG is urging the government to expedite the parliamentary revocation of LI 2462 to curb mining in forest reserves.
However the director general of the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission professor Ahmed Jinapor commenting on the strike stressed the importance of maintaining academic stability.
Speaking at the 14th congregations the Accra College of Education, he explained the Ghana Tertiary Education system us an enviable one that need not be jeopardize.
Meanwhile UTAG says would not succeed with the University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG), which remains steadfast in its ongoing strike.